Unleash Your Creativity: The "Once Upon a Time" Ulysses Short Story Contest

Dear Film and Story Makers,

A few weeks back, I posted a YouTube video about Ulysses, a writing application that I hold in high regard. I use it frequently in my work, and it's truly a stellar tool for any writer.

Following my review, the folks at Ulysses expressed their gratitude and generously offered three three-month subscriptions to their platform. They have given me tokens to pass on to you, and I thought, what better way to distribute these than through a competition?

So here's the deal: write a short story (400-800 words) that starts with "Once upon a time...". It can be about anything you want, as long as it's focused on one character and presents a clear narrative arc – a beginning, middle, and end. By writing this short story, you could use an idea for a script you'd like to write and this could be used as the first step to get it out of your head.

The winning three stories, judged primarily on clarity, will each receive a three-month free subscription to Ulysses. If you're curious to see what this software can do, I encourage you to watch my YouTube review of Ulysses here below.

To submit your story, follow these steps:

  1. Subscribe to my website to be eligible for the competition.
  2. Craft your one-page short story.
  3. Email it to me at olaf "at" defleurinc ".com" before July 1st, 2023 with 'Short Story Ulysses' as the title subject.

Good luck with your storytelling. I'm looking forward to reading your stories.