THE HONOR: Becoming a Top Teacher at Skillshare

It is an honor to have been selected as a TOP TEACHER at Skillshare. A shoutout to Skillshare's Marla for holding my hand, and to Tiffany who is about to. My classes have reached over 2,500 students, and I'm grateful to be able to share my tools & experience. is a gift that keeps on giving.

I started my Skillshare journey just over a year ago. I wanted to share my twenty-plus years of experience with the world. And I was fortunate to meet Marla Munding, a wonderful coach at Skillshare who guided me through the challenges of creating an online class.

I've made many films but making an on-line class was and is a very challenging endeavor. I've made two courses so far, one on making a short film, another on how to edit film trailers. And the response has been overwhelming and rewarding.

For me, the most important thing in life is to learn, to be challenged, and I look forward to keeping exploring and becoming better at making on-line courses.

My prompt for creating a course is always, 'would this be something I would watch or would have wanted to know in the first steps in my career' - yes, it's a long prompt, but hey, it's my prompt, haha.

At the moment I'm preparing for a new course, on, well, I wouldn't want to jinx it, so let's just say that I'm working on a new course. And now I'm repeating myself. I should end this post while I'm still ahead. Wait, when did I get behind?