Learn Indie Filmmaking by doing a Short Film | Film Class

A new 80 minute film class. The class offers a demystification of the filmmaking process with a step-by-step, and more importantly, a hands-on approach. With over 5,000 students on Skillshare, indie filmmaker Olaf de Fleur shares all his tools from doing 15 films over the course of his two decade career. Join now for 30-day FREE TRIAL on Skillshare!



you will have created and completed a short film independently

  • A step-by-step FILM CLASS
  • Experience the complete production cycle of a film project

Hands-on fundamentals

  • Develop your personal style as a visual storyteller
  • Tools that can save you from unnecessary agony
  • Complete a film on a micro-budget

THIS FILM CLASS will deepen your understanding of creative filmmaking by doing a 1-3 minute short film independently. All you need for this class is a camera, something to write on, and a computer to edit your film.

Review | "You have to start here before going anywhere else on Skillshare, Mr.Olaf is an amazing teacher..."
- Asheer Kouli

"My name is Olaf. I am a do-it-yourself filmmaker with over two-decade experience. In this class, I'll share all the tools that I've learned by completing twelve feature films. In this step-by-step guide to Indie Filmmaking, you'll teach yourself how to complete a short film independently through manageable action steps."

Review | "I loved this class - so many complicated processes are broken down into manageable and unintimidating
- Gineen Cooper

Everything starts with your Idea, and that's where we'll start. We'll dive into tools like Theme and Genre to extract it. We'll explore how to Outline before you start writing your Screenplay. We'll discuss Production, Cinematography, and Directing before hitting the post-production phase.

This class will not only demystify the filmmaking process, but it'll also illuminate your creative strengths and help you identify areas of improvement as a visual storyteller.

Please join the thousands of future filmmakers here!

"I can't wait what kind of film you're going to make!"

Olaf de Fleur